Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Help For Haiti

From Haiti Care Kits

As many of you were aware, on January 12, 2010 a 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck Haiti, devastating many of the homes, schools and orphanages in and surrounding the capital and largest city, Port-au-Prince. Our entire TCS community came together to collect soap, soap dishes, toothpaste, tooth brushes, band aids, wide-tooth combs, washcloths, hand towels, ziplock bags and shampoo. With the support of the children and their families we were able to assemble 238 Care Kits as well as share our message of hope through the news! Please enjoy the video below that was aired on NBC!

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Science With Dr. Lou!

From Guest Scientist

From Guest Scientist

Last week we were joined by S.H’s grandmother “Dr. Lou” and his mother Charlotte for an amazing science experiment. The children made predictions and hypothesis about the buoyancy of various objects in corn syrup, oil, water and alcohol. Please enjoy the videos of the children making their predictions and conclusions of the buoyancy of a red chip in water.

Red Chip Predictions from Lisa J on Vimeo.

Red Chip results from Lisa J on Vimeo.